On the Mend

Well if it is the thought that counts, then you should know that I have written invisible posts to you many times these past few silent weeks. After months of ongoing tummy trouble, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. I may be ‘on the mend’ with a treatment of H.Pylori, a bug that munches stomach lining. I’m told it’s rather rare in the US and quite common here, but there are several friends on facebook who have been through it… and reached the other side. I hope to be in that club soon! My energy feels like it is returning and I’m only halfway through the two weeks. So far so good.

If I could find the camera cord I could show you great Mother’s Day pictures. The boys drew/colored a life-size picture of me and treated me to breakfast in bed and a menu of choices for lunch (raspberry Chrystal Light or lemonade?) It was great fun!

Today James lost his sixth tooth and is missing 3 of the front ones all at once. Joel is starting to get jealous (he hasn’t lost even one). I think he’s in it for the tooth fairy cash.

Anna has learned to button dresses and change her own clothes. This sort of happened overnight and rather suddenly. Now she is changing clothes about 4 times a day. Don’t tell her if you see that her shoes don’t match her skirt because she’ll have to go and change right away. It’s a good thing I don’t do all the handwashing around here!

One of those well-intentioned non-existent posts I wrote you was on Saturday night…
As I slogged through my cold weekly bucket of handwashing, realizing that I needed to heat water to take a bucket shower yet and really just wanted to curl up in front of a movie. And a friend came back. It’s not a nice friend. Maybe enemy is a better word. My old pal ‘self-pity’ stopped by. Kent was watching a movie, why am _I_ doing all this work while he relaxes over there? (Even worse when in direct line of sight). I’m surprised my face didn’t literally turn green with envy.

Then in a moment of grace a vision popped into my mind of something that happened only hours before. I am well-fed, contented and happy lounging on our newly made couch and pillows reading a fabulous new novel with my feet up on the coffee table. The kids are all napping, reading in their beds, or pretending quietly to do one of those things. The lunch table has been emptied and cleaned. With one exception: Kent’s plate. Enter my wonder-husband, arms laden with computers, papers and files (you know, linguist stuff). It’s almost 2pm and he hasn’t eaten since 7am. Anything. (This is not the land of freebie Safeway cookies, donut holes at church and trail mix in the car while you drive somewhere.) He’s been at the office working on tone patterns straight through lunch and only wants a bite to eat and place to lie down awhile. I did mention it was Saturday right? There I am reading my book with my feet up. [snap back to reality]

So there I was in my concrete, mildewed bathroom with my hands in a cold bucket sending this nasty old pal out the door. I had my time to relax. It just wasn’t NOW. Kent had finished his work and I had not. Strange how things can get twisted around in our heads… Amazing how much more pleasant the handwashing can be with a little perspective.

There are many more posts to share about homeschooling and all the fun critters we find around here. They will have to wait as it’s past time to start another school day. Tuesdays we do piano lessons too. My time is not my own, but it’s happy that way.

3 thoughts on “On the Mend

  1. You are amazing, and I tell all my friends who just became or are about to become missionaries stories of your family, so they can see an example of hardship and gratitude!

    I saw your bug thing on Facebook, but I didn't know what it was. I hope you're feeling better soon! The kids at school LOVED hearing about your family, thanks for doing that!

  2. Self-pity visits me too, and I have a washing machine. Shame on me.

    Stopping over from Grandma's letters from Africa. Saw your list of firsts, and I like to get to know missionaries so I can pray for them. 🙂

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